Esta aplicacin es usada por millones de personas en todo el mundo. Windows 7 Loader 2.2.2 esta disponible para descargar en su ultima versin. Su funcin es activar y validar windows 7 de manera permanente obteniendo as un sistema operativo original tanto de un sistema 32 Bits como de 64 Bits. So: Let's say you have a Win 7 machine and don't want to or are too lazy to convert your entire disk to MBR to activate, all you need is some old HD, size doesn't matter, just get the oldest and slowest HD you can find in your junk drawer, put in the PC as additional drive and use the method in the article.and activate Windows. Activador Windows 7 ha sido creado por Daz. I can run (and activate) this Win 7 on a new motherboard with UEFI or even on a very old motherboard which doesn't know GPT. I have activated Win7 Ultimate without converting the disk to MBR. The cool thing about it: It WORKS also with DAZ Windows loader. I did that already multiple times and I have no plans to convert my wife's PC to MBR. The boot files are read, and then the Win7 on GPT loads). (The solution is simply to have another disk or a USB stick even that is MBR, and do the few steps in the article: Basically, for loading Win7 from the GPT disk it only needs a few boot files accessible on a MBR. The article is about how to boot Win 7 on an old system (without UEFI) when Win 7 itself is on a GPT disk which an old PC of course cannot see. Www DOT sevenforums DOT com/installation-setup/320700-boot-windows-7-8-gpt-bios-system-no-hybrid-mbrs-duet.html I don't know how often I already checked this ultra-helpful article: